
How To Manage Pigmentation And Dark Spots Naturally

One of the questions that pop up as you get older especially as a woman is How to manage pigmentation and dark spots. This is one of the skincare problems that arise due to age, hormones or hormonal imbalance, health issues, and others.

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How do you manage Pigmentations and dark spots naturally? Pigmentation might look harmless, but they are not as harmless as they appear. They can also be as a result of underlying medical conditions.

They are harmless when they occur due to age, sun exposure, negligence, and so on.

So, the first step to managing Pigmentation and dark spots naturally or any other way you prefer is knowing the cause before applying any form of remedy.

The good news is if you have Pigmentation or black spots on your skin due to natural factors like age, or negligence on your own part, there are ways to manage them to make them fade away.

You do not need to use an extreme method to remove them.

What is Pigmentation?

Pigmentation is any discoloration where you develop darker patches on your skin.

This is caused by excess melanin which results in pigmentation or hyperpigmentation when it forms a deposit on the skin.

Types of Pigmentation

Age Spots: This is like flat tan or black spots on the skin as a result of age.

Melasma or Chloasma: This is a condition in which brown or dark patches appear on large areas.the skin. It is usually due to hormonal changes like pregnancy. These hormones may trigger the production of melanin and cause darkening of the skin.

Freckles: These are tiny dots on your face and shoulder areas due to sun exposure.

Sunburn: This is the skin’s reaction to too much exposure to sunlight, causing skin redness, itching, and peeling. It is a radiation burn to the skin.

What Causes Dark Spots and Pigmentation?

UV rays are the biggest reason for pigmentation.

Other causes are:

  • Skin damage as a result of aging
  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy
  • Skin rashes
  • Skin infections like acne
  • Birthmarks
  • Medical conditions
  • Certain medications and some chemotherapy drugs can cause hyperpigmentation as well
  • Also, hormonal changes during pregnancy can affect melanin production.

How Can I Lighten My Pigmentation Naturally?

Although natural remedies might not completely obliterate pigmentation. They can make them less apparent.

You cannot get rid of them in a day or couple of weeks, they take time to work. But you will eventually see a difference.

And don’t forget, always consult your physician before you try any alternative home remedy, especially if your symptoms could be a result of underlying health conditions.

Apple Cider Vinegar: Mix a tablespoon of ACV and water (equal parts) in a small bowl. With a cotton ball, apply all over the affected areas. Leave until it dries completely and wash off with lukewarm water. Repeat twice daily.

Lemon: Lemon is a natural bleaching agent with skin-lightening properties. Be careful if you have sensitive skin and do a test on your upper arm before using it. Use sunscreen afterward because lemon can also make your skin sensitive to sunlight.

Lemon For Pigmentation And Drak Spots Removal

How to use Lemon: Take one tablespoon of lemon juice (diluted) with a teaspoon of organic honey. Apply on the affected areas. And rinse off with lukewarm water after 15-20 minutes.

Red Onion: Red onion skin contains skin-whitening properties. Rub a slice of red onion on the affected area. Rinse off with lukewarm water after 20 minutes. (Read further on benefits or red onion here)

Milk: The lactic acid found in milk contains brightening and whitening agents. Apply dress milk on the dark areas with a cotton swab. Let it dry off, then rinse off with lukewarm water.

Tomatoes: Tomatoes contain lycopene that can reduce the long-term effects of photodamage by lightening them. (Read more on how to use tomatoes to brighten your skin tone here).

Slice a tomato and rub it on the spots. let it dry and rinse it off with lukewarm water. you can also blend and strain tomato juice and rub the affected areas with a cotton swab.

Aloe Vera: Mix 2 tablespoons of fresh aloe vera gel with 1 teaspoon of honey in a bowl. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes. Apply it to the affected area. Wash off when it is completely dry.

Black Tea: Black tea is said to have a skin-whitening effect. Boil a teaspoon of tea leaves in water. When it is cool, strain it and apply it on the dark areas with a cotton swab.

Orange Peel: Extract from orange peels can help fade dark spots and brighten your skin.

How To Use Orange Peel To Remove Pigmentation And Dark Spots Naturally

Dry orange peels and grind them. Mix with a teaspoon of diluted lemon juice and honey. Use as a face mask three times a week.

Potatoes: Potato contains azelaic acid. This may help reduce or fade blemishes and spots caused by acne. Slice a potato and drub on the spots once daily. Wash it off when it dries.

How To Prevent Pigmentation and Dark Spots

You need to know the causes of your pigmentation before you can determine how to treat it. If it is a result of underlying health issues, it would help to treat the problems first. Doing this would reduce the pigmentation.

The first step to preventing pigmentation is to take good care of your skin by limiting sun exposure.

Using sun protection every day: Sun exposure triggers an overproduction of melanin which can cause sun spots, age spots, dark patches, and hyperpigmentation.

Using sunscreen of at least an SPF of 30 can block up to 97 percent of the sun’s UVB rays.

Wear hats that block sunlight

Eat healthy meals and a balanced diet. (Read more on how to eat your way to a healthy lifestyle here)

Lastly and easiest, Drink water. There are lots of benefits to drinking water. Hydrating might give you a more even skin tone and less discoloration. It will also ensure healthy-looking skin and help fight off dehydration.

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